We appreciate your interest in our program. Below, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions prior to our 7v7 tryouts. Once an athlete is seleceted for a team, we will be able to provide more specific information regarding their team placement. For any questions not covered below, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].


Where can I register for tryouts?

On the website under programs, select either Club or Youth 7v7.

What 7v7 age division do I register for?

Please register under your current grade. Each Tournament has different age divisions which we sort out once teams are selected.

If I make a mistake on the form during tryout registration can I fix it?

Yes. We will manually make the changes at the event check-in.

Is there walk-up registration?

Yes, walk-up registration is available, although we strongly discourage it. Our coaches review and familiarize themselves with athletes before tryout, including any highlights provided, which is not possible with walk-up registrations. If you choose to register on the day of the event, please arrive at least one hour before the scheduled start time.

When will I be notified if I make the team?

Following the tryout, we thoroughly evaluate all film from event. This reveiew process typically takes about a week. As a result, tryout results will be sent via email the following Monday. Athletes will receive one of the following outcomes: selection to the National Team (travel), Regional Team (non-travel), an invitation for a callback, or notification that they were not selected at this time.

Do I need to purchase a ticket to watch?

No. There is no cost for spectators. We do ask that all spectators stay off the field during all events.

Can I attend multiple tryouts?

If an athlete is not selected after their initial tryout and feels they did not perform to their full potential, they may register for an additional tryout. However, please note that final team selections are not made unitl after all tryouts.

What are athletes evaluated at during tryouts?

Athletes will be evaluated on their athleticism, their personal skill, and their ability to compete.

Can athletes try out at multiple posisitons during tryouts?

For 10u-15u tryouts, athletes are allowed to play on both offense and defense. However, for 18u tryouts, athletes must choose between Quarterback (QB), Offensive Skill (RB/TE/WR), or Defensive Skill (DB/LB). Since there are typically more openings on the defensive side, athletes have a higher chance on being selected if they try out for a defensive position. When in doubt, we recommend opting for a defensive tryout to increase selection chances.

What do I need at tryouts?

Athletes need cleats, water, and a mouthpiece. QB's will need to bring their own ball.

How many athletes make the team?

Each team will have a max of 18 players. 9 defensive skill players (DB,LB) and 7 offensive skill players (RB,WR,TE), and 2 QB's. Regional teams will have 2 QB's and approximately 15-18 skill athletes.


I play another sport, can I still play 7v7?

Yes, we encourage athletes to cross-train and participate in multiple sports, especially in the early stages of their athletic careers. If you are involved in other sports, we ask that you provide us with a copy of your schedule so we can accommodate any absences. Additionally, many athletes opt to play on the Regional (non-travel) team in order to focus on their spring sport while still being part of the OBoyz program.

When does the season start & end?

National teams will start in January and end in early May. Regional teams will start late March and end in June.

What is the schedule during the season?

1: Both National & Regional teams will practice once a week, generally on Sunday's.
2: 7th-8th grade games are on Monday or Tuesday nights.
3: 3rd-6th grade games are on Wednesday or Thursday nights.
4: 15u games will be on Saturday mornings.
Our National tournament schedule is generally released late December/early January.
*10u & 12u National teams will only do the Regional tournaments and the National Championships.

What is included in the cost?

1: National - Includes 7v7 uniform, selected gear (TBD), tournament and practice fees, college visits, recruiting seminars, life skills, and coaches travel and hotel.
2: Regional - Athletes will receive a 7v7 uniform, top & bottom, tournament, practice, and league fees.

What is not included in the costs?

1: Travel & Hotel Costs: Athletes are respnsible for their own transportation to practices, league games, and tournaments. For athletes traveling alone, we support them by coordinating transportation to and from the tournaments and league games and arranging for them to room together at the team hotel. The general cost for a hotel room per tournament weekend is $125-$150 (check-in on Friday, check-out on Sunday or Monday).
2: Playing Time: As a competitive 7v7 organization, playing time is earned not guaranteed. Athletes can expect equal repetitions during practice; however, in tournament play, those who contribute most to the team's success will see playing time.
3: Soft-Shell Helmets: National team athletes are required to wear soft-shell helmets during tournaments.

How much does it cost to play for the OBoyz?

1: $500 National 7v7 (You can pay in full or break it down to monthly payments). If paying monthly then it is $100 per month. Initial payment due before the 1st practice mid-January. All monthly payments are due on the 1st of each month.
2: $300 Reginonal 7v7 (You can pay in full or break it down to monthly payments). If paying monthly then it is $60 per month. Initial payment due before the 1st practice mid-January. All monthly payments are due on the 1st month.

Training Options:

Do you offer training?

Yes we do:


Further questions?

Please email [email protected]